Baby Zagor sketches
What if Zagor is baby from another planet? What if his past is similiar to Superman's past?
New banner for Poland
And yes, Poland have brand new banner with some players-hussars and alltrophies they won in their great Hattrick history!How do you like it? Do you recongnize these hussars on the banner?Poland NT Hussars black and white: Hussars color: All trophies of senior team:
Happy new year!
Hattrick Comics is bidding you an abundant, love-stuffed and joyous New 2024 year.
Barrier of 700 hatstats is broken!
Hattrick: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Hattrick team Jumbo IF and manager Joakim. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has
Moon walk
Have you ever dreamed of walking on the surface of the Moon?
What do you think the match engine looks? And how do you imagine it works?
All of that we will find out in the upcoming comic strip panels which will be released soon.
Umbrella man
To which direction should the story go?
Work, work, work…
"Then the Creator said: 'Let's create a player - similar to us, to be like us, but with an athletic physique! Let him be the master of all codes and bugs in this program, let him make every user who
Astrology? Or better to say hattrickology. Who believe in that nonsense?
Which sign are you ? Do you believe in hattrickology?